College Road Surgery: 01323 735044
Ian Gow Memorial Health Centre: 01323 766358
Lines open 8.00am to 6.00pm

providing nhs services

About our PPG

We have a proactive Patient Participation Group who work with the Practice to help us provide the best possible service to our patients, and we also have a PPG Virtual Group. The Group has been running since 2005, initially known as the Lighthouse Patient Forum. The Forum decided in May 2019 to change the name from Patient Forum to Patient Participation Group. It was felt that the new name reflects to our patients as well as the NHS and the wider public, the dynamic group that we strive to be.

The formation of a PPG at the Lighthouse Medical Practice has brought about a huge cultural shift from an “Us and Them” scenario to a united team of patients and Practice staff working towards a single vision, who are there to help and support one another. Our PPG has developed into a living, breathing part of what makes the Practice work, and is an integral part of daily Practice life.

What we do as a Patient Participation Group

  • Attend monthly meetings with the Practice Managing Partner, a GP, and other Practice team members.  The meeting has a wide Agenda covering news of the Practice and local CCG and other Patient Groups’ meetings attended. Members give updates on their regular PPG work and progress on the Joint PPG/Practice objectives, and feedback received from the Virtual Group and Patient surveys. Practice team members give news of work areas they lead on, such as Carers and Health and Safety. Many meetings also include presentations from Guest Speakers on local health, social and care services and initiatives.
  • Help with the Practice Flu Clinics, meeting and organising patients to make their experience as pleasant as possible.
  • Create, plan and run Health Awareness days. Past events include a Diabetic Day and a Falls Awareness Day. A “Silver Sunday” event is being organised for October 2019.
  • Improve both Practice sites for patients’ visits, including reorganising the Waiting Rooms seating and displaying informative and useful information including the display screens, noticeboards and posters with clearly themed areas.
  • Feedback comments from the Virtual Group of patients’ experiences of the Lighthouse Practice and the DGH.
  • Produce a quarterly joint Practice-Patient Newsletter informing about new Practice services and team members, local health services and health articles.
  • Sit on local Health Committees and Focus Groups, influencing the health issues and priorities of the local area, and supporting other local PPGs, working jointly on linked projects.
  • Create and run Patient Surveys in order to get detailed feedback on specific issues such as telephone access to the surgery.
  • Make proposals for improvements to Practice services and facilities and work on projects to deliver these.
  • Influence decision-making on issues such as the purchasing of equipment and the spending of money from NHS commissioning savings.
  • Enjoy an annual festive meal generously paid for by the Practice Partners.

PPG Virtual Group (PPG VG)

The PPG Virtual Group was set up in 2016 by Vice Chair Liz Walke, initially consisting of ex-Forum members who couldn’t attend the regular monthly meetings and expanding it to include any patient who wants to feedback their experience with the Practice and other hospital and NHS services related to their care. The PPG VG provides a way for members to email Liz feedback if they, their family or friends have experienced any NHS services recently at the Lighthouse GP Practice, at Hospital (advise which one) or elsewhere, to let the PPG know what they thought of the service.

Liz reports this feedback to the PPG to promote discussion on possible action on these issues. The Lighthouse team acts to resolve any Practice issues raised. Liz takes any issues raised about the Eastbourne DGH to Area Patient Participation Group meetings.

Date published: 8th August, 2022
Date last updated: 26th January, 2023